In 2 minutes you will be logged out due to inactivity.

Change Logs

For information regarding change log and version number methodology, please click here.

DicksonOne v1.3.21

Description Impact Recommendation


  • A bug in which datapoint values in Fahrenheit are incorrectly converted to the Celsius value as part of the Email subject line in notification alerts was resolved
  • A bug in which email addresses are not updated for monthly credit card subscription invoicing was resolved
  • A bug that prevents account managers from being able to edit existing users on their account was resolved
  • A bug regarding password verification through system checks was resolved
  • A bug that caused erratic dates/times in device exports was resolved
No impact No testing needed


  • Manual data uploads to devices was improved
  • Site performance regarding user and contact records was improved
Low impact No testing needed

User Experience

  • Sorting users and contacts by Name, Last Name, Role and Location via the search bar is now available
  • A warning message to inform managers when an email address for a user that is being added is already taken was implemented
  • Additional context for events that pertain to user lockouts in the Events page was added
  • Details regarding the permanent effect archiving has within the archive device confirmation modal were updated
  • New code was released to support a future integration for Text Message/SMS and Phone call notifications to all global regions
  • The Delete Device functionality has been moved to the Device Settings page where users can either Archive a device or Delete a device
  • Compare Devices functionality has been removed from the Device Overview page
Low impact No testing needed

DicksonOne v1.3.20

Description Impact Recommendation


  • A bug in which the system did not require a password when a user updated their current password was fixed
  • A bug that caused an error page to populate when a user updated their password was fixed
No impact No testing needed

Performance Upgrade

  • Changes to the codebase were made to address performance issues pertaining to Users & Contacts
Low impact No testing needed

DicksonOne v1.3.19

Description Impact Recommendation

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug that prevented event logs to not be displayed when using filters in the events page via Internet Explorer
  • Fixed a bug that caused Google Chrome to use HTTP instead on HTTPS for
  • Fixed a bug that caused inaccurate details to be displayed in the event logs when users make changes to account security settings
No impact No testing needed

User Experience

  • Customer account ID’s are now provided in My Profile on DicksonOne
  • The summary data timestamp in reports was adjusted so that the timestamp reflects the account timestamp format, e.g., MM/DD/YYYY versus YYYY/MM/DD
  • The calibration date found in the device settings page via sensors has been adjusted so that it respects central time
  • An update to Single Sign On (SSO) has been made to redirect users to their respective IDP URL when clicking log out
  • Event logs for when automated reports become inactive by the system has been added to the events page
Low impact No testing needed

Users and Contacts

  • The Users and Contact Book pages have been merged together to live as one page called Users & Contacts
  • The user and contact creation card has been merged into a single card
  • When adding an individual to DicksonOne, you will first input the individual’s contact information and then determine if the individual will be a contact or a user of the system
  • Helper text has been added to the user/contact creation card to provide better guidance to users
  • Users with manage access permissions are now able to add and edit contacts
  • The suspend functionality available to account owners only was removed as user access can be removed by disabling location permissions for users
Minor impact Check new functionality

DicksonOne v1.3.18

Description Impact Recommendation

Bug Fixes

  • A bug was fixed that caused the timestamps to not auto-populate when viewing Summary Data within a Location via Monitoring Points
  • A bug was fixed that caused Monthly subscriptions to not get cancelled after exhausted failed credit card payment attempts
  • A bug was fixed that caused an incorrect value calculation to be displayed in the Alert pages when a Device’s unit is set to Celsius
No impact No testing needed

User Experience

  • The date picker found on the Device Overview, Alerts, Events and Report Builder pages has been restyled and updated.
  • The data point’s value and timestamp are now displayed with the data point on the graph when hovering over.
  • The Device Overview Graph’s time ranges are now displayed with the Date Picker by clicking into the Time frame displayed above the graph
  • Report descriptions and example images have been updated
  • The Network Configuration App page has been updated to include updated links and content
  • An update to the system was made so that when a user is deleted from the system any API keys that were assigned to the user are also deleted
  • The Radio buttons throughout the system have been restyled
Low impact No testing needed

DicksonOne v1.3.17

Description Impact Recommendation


A bug was fixed so that messaging banners throughout the interface are better aligned such as the “Archived Device” banner and the “Subscription Expiration” banner. 

No impact No testing needed

Performance Upgrade

A performance upgrade was made to address interface issues experienced by a subset of users. 

Low impact No testing needed

DicksonOne v1.3.16

Description Impact Recommendation


  • A bug that prevented the channel “Device” to not populate when creating/editing Not Reporting Alarm templates has been fixed
  • A bug for setting Audible Alarms to respect Notification delays was fixed
  • A bug that did not populate proper Channel data correctly in the Channels out of range longest over the past 6 months widget has been fixed and updated
  • A bug regarding device replacements was fixed so that all previously associated data appears with the newly replaced device
No impact No testing needed

User Experience

  • When clicking into the Calibration widget from the Dashboard, users will be redirected to an auto-filtered view of the Manage Devices page that highlights devices that are past due or up and coming due for calibration
  • The Alert pages now capture seconds in the Duration column for greater precision so that Excursion events that are highlighted in the Dashboard are better reflected
  • The Manage Devices page now allows users to make bulk updates to a filtered list of devices
  • DicksonOne Exports no longer include a column for Battery 
  • Improved accuracy of text descriptions for not reporting alerts
Low impact No testing needed
Description Impact Recommendation
  • BSSID to be included in API logs
  • Option to export Partial (Since Last Export) or all Historical Data (Entire History) have been added
  • USB icon flashes on the display when taking a screenshot
  • Min/Max has been added to the Text Display View
  • A button to reset the Min and Max has been added
  • Viewable characters have been expanded for the device name on the screen
  • Dallas/Sensiron Pod Replacement to improve sensor swapping
  • Connection improvement has made to adhere to Access Point hopping based on RSSI values
  • WiFi Scan List has been improved to display more SSIDs
  • Thread IDs are now reset properly when performing a factory reset on the device
  • The label for Device Code has been renamed to Registration Code to mirror DicksonOne
No impact No testing needed

DicksonOne v1.3.15

Description Impact Recommendation

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug that caused an error page to populate when changing device settings in the Manage Devices page
  • Fixed a bug that caused back to normal alert messaging to not be sent for Probe Disconnected alarms
No impact No testing needed

User Experience

  • Users are now able to select Not Reporting alarm templates via the Device Overview page by selecting “Device” as the channel
  • The Events page now allows users to filter events by “Account”
Low impact No testing needed


  • Channels in Monitoring Points was introduce to capture a view of the various Channels throughout the account
  • Calibration tab in the Device Overview page was replaced with “Sensors” which will capture any historical sensors that have been attached to the device
  • A new API has been created and released for developers to use
Minor impact Check new functionality

DicksonOne v1.3.14

Description Impact Recommendation


  • Fixed a bug that caused the Device cards in Monitoring Points by Devices to be skewed
  • Fixed a bug in which the system does not force users to confirm their password at the time of registration
  • Fixed a bug regarding the content on Back to Normal Email alerts 
  • Fixed a bug regarding Phone Call alerts 
No impact No testing needed


  • Monthly subscription pricing via Stripe was re-released
No impact No testing needed

User Experience

  • Updated the timestamp for Excursions on the Device Overview page so that the time in which the alert was promoted from a Warning to an Excursion is reflected
  • Improved the messaging on SMS alerts for when alarms are triggered
  • Improved the SMS messaging for Back to Normal alerts so that the messaging is more clear and easier to understand
  • MKT value for Dew Point was removed from Reports
Low impact No testing needed


  • The Audible Alarm now allows users the ability to determine if it should be treated as a ‘Warning’ or an ‘Excursion’ alert
Minor impact Check new functionality

DicksonOne v1.3.13

Description Impact Recommendation

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug that prevented users from being able to reset their password when locked out of the system after exhausted failed attempts and user timeout
  • Fixed a bug that prevented users from being able to unapply channels on an alarm template when editing an alarm template
  • Fixed a bug that allowed an account owner to change the permissions of another account owner as owners should not be able to edit each other’s permissions
  • Fixed a bug that prevented users from being able to edit an alarm while the alarm is in pause mode
No impact No testing needed

User Experience

  • Additional notification alert messages were added to support Warnings and Excursions
  • Updated the Alerts page to support Warnings and Excursions
  • Email alert notifications have been refined and styled for a sleeker and easy to read experience
  • Explanatory text and colors were incorporated to support Warnings and Excursions
  • Details were added to Custom Alarms and Templates to Support Warnings vs. Excursions
  • Allow users to filter their alert history based on multiple criteria on the Alerts pages was added
  • The landing page has been simplified and restyled
  • Added an acknowledgment for the ‘Terms of Use’ so that new users acknowledge the ‘Terms of Use’ at registration as well as current users
  • The Manage Devices page has been adjusted so that titles and headings are better spaced out for a cleaner look and feel
  • Channels applied to alarm templates can now be unapplied when editing the template
  • The Events page now logs events for when locations are added to the account at the point of device registration
  • Added an event for editing a location’s name in the Events page
  • Improved the daily summary information to users for when a report is copied into a new report
  • Added ‘Archived’ to all devices that have been archived so that they are distinguishable when viewing throughout the interface
  • Updated the Events page to provide context to users for when changes are made upon customer requests by Dickson Support
Low impact No testing needed

Features Warnings vs. Excursions

  • Warnings vs. Excursions were added to Custom Alarms and Alarm Templates so that users can now determine if an Escalation should be a Warning or Excursion
  • Users can create an alarm for a warning and another for an excursion or mix and match warnings and excursions at the escalation level
  • Alert filtering was added to the Alerts pages so that users can now filter various alert events
Minor impact Check new functionality

Feature DicksonOne Dashboard

  • Dashboard is focused on bringing attention to actionable items throughout the account
  • Active Excursions widget displays the count of Active Excursions and redirects the user to the corresponding page
  • Active Warnings widget displays the count of Active Warnings and redirect the user to the corresponding page
  • Recently Viewed Devices displays devices that were recently viewed
  • Devices that need calibration brings attention to devices that are past due for calibration, coming due or in great standing
  • Firmware Updates informs users if there are any firmware updates available for devices or not
  • Channels with the most excursions within the past 6 months allows users to see which channels have had the most excursions in the past six months
  • Devices with the most excursions within the past 6 months allows users to see which devices have had the most excursions in the past six month
  • Channels out of range longest over the past 6 months captures the highest ranges excursions by channels
Minor impact Check new functionality

Feature Devices Monitoring Points

  • Monitoring Points by Devices was added so that users are provided with guidance to viewing devices that need critical attention as well as the opportunity to filter and search for specific devices
  • Devices are displayed in card format and users can click on the menu dots on the top right to view different features
  • From the device card, users can visit the device’s overview page, go to alarms or settings, as well as create exports instantly
Minor impact Check new functionality