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Change Logs

For information regarding change log and version number methodology, please click here.

DicksonOne v1.3.28

Description Impact Recommendation


  • A bug that caused the Manage > Locations page to become inaccessible was fixed.
  • A bug that caused the Support > Network Config App page to become inaccessible was fixed. 
No impact No testing needed

DicksonOne v1.3.27

Description Impact Recommendation


  • A bug that caused the audible alarm to not be programmed on RF loggers when using alarm templates was fixed.  
  • A bug regarding calibration reports by location not being generated when a device has not reported data was fixed.
  • A bug regarding RF loggers displaying a higher channel count in Monitoring > Devices was fixed. 
  • A bug regarding the Twilio integration not connecting when no devices have been registered on an account was fixed.  
  • A bug regarding the Chat With a Specialist button not being clickable was fixed. 
  • A bug regarding the Email Us button not being clickable was fixed. 
  • A bug regarding the device graph creating duplicate numbers when the range of data is too small was fixed. 
  • A bug regarding the system not accepting safe passwords and only strong passwords during the password creation process was fixed. 
  • A bug regarding security settings making the default character count 8 instead of 6 was fixed. 
  • A bug that displayed an extra visual line when viewing monitoring points in locations was fixed.
No impact No testing needed

Third-Party Integrations

  • New infrastructure was added to support third-party integrations.
No impact No testing needed

Performance and Security

  • Performance updates have been made to the events page.
  • Security updates were made to caching of API endpoints.
  • Auto-complete has been disabled on the DicksonOne user login page and create an account page.
No impact No testing needed

User Experience Improvements

  • Languages were added to introduce French and Spanish translations to DicksonOne.
  • Email Preferences are now its own tab in ‘My Profile.’
  • The Korea country code was added to the list of country codes for phone numbers in DicksonOne.
  • The RF Logger export verbiage was changed from “default” (CSV and LOJ) to “both” (CSV and LOJ). 
  • The delete action for RF Gateways was moved from the Manage Gateways page to the Gateway settings page.  
  • The RF logger low-battery alarm messaging in events was updated to provide concise wording.
  • Users who are owners are no longer able to delete themselves from their own accounts.
  • Password tips were added to the user invite password page as well as the create an account page to provide better guidance to users.
Low impact No testing needed
Description Impact Recommendation


  • Updated SSL Cipher Suite
  • Implement Additional Differential Pressure Units
  • Audible Calibration Alarm was replaced with a calibration alarm pop up
  • Downloading data from TSB using DicksonWare 2.0 with USB cable
  • Add Sensor Port to Readings Packet
  • Added backup settings to prevent devices from resetting their own settings
Low impact No testing needed


  • Enterprise Connection attempts Authentication with Username GSN
  • Alarms triggered at alarm set value
  • Sensor swaps caused device reboot
  • Logger would not report model SKU to DicksonOne
  • Calibration warnings on the device displayed the wrong port number
  • Clearing the Min/Max with a probe error caused high Min/Max values
  • Device does not boot up from a low power state
  • Parse Incoming Proxy Settings through API
  • New channels are not created properly when swapping different sensor models
  • Device does not send readings packets while still sending ping and configuration packets
  • Units lock up and reboot
Minor impact Check new functionality

DicksonOne v1.3.26

Description Impact Recommendation

Security and Performance

  • New account security defaults were released to provide proactive guidance to new accounts.
  • Security improvements to the system were made.
No impact No testing needed

Bug Fixes

  • A bug regarding reference lines not displaying on the device graph was fixed.
  • A bug regarding communication issues regarding RF loggers when using the audible notification as part of a low-battery alarm was fixed.
  • A bug regarding the SSL fingerprint algorithm not updating properly via SSO will be fixed.
  • A bug regarding export download-links in emails for accounts that have SSO enforced was fixed.
No impact No testing needed

User Experience

  • The delete user/contact confirmation pop-up was updated.
  • A column was added to the manage gateways page to include firmware version details.
  • Archived devices are now removed from alarm templates when they are archived.
Low impact No testing needed

DicksonOne v1.3.25

Description Impact Recommendation


  • An alarm coverage report was introduced to allow users to get a system-wide view of their devices, which alarms are applied to a device, and schedules for those alarms
No impact No testing needed


  • A 3-month calibration interval was added to device settings
No impact No testing needed

User Experience

  • The delete device confirmation pop-up was updated to provide explicit details that warn users before taking action
  • An update to the back-to-normal email notification for device not-reporting alarms was made to eliminate the most recent reading from the email
No impact No testing needed

Bug Fixes

  • A bug that prevented users with manage access from registering RF loggers was fixed
  • A bug that prevented RF loggers to be replaced via the replace functionality was addressed
  • A bug that causes warnings to be captured in tabular reports was fixed
  • A bug that interfered with manual device data uploads was fixed
No impact No testing needed

RF Logger System

  • The site’s wording was updated to support the RF logger
  • A battery icon indicator for RF loggers was added
  • A low-battery alarm was introduced for RF loggers
  • RF logger firmware versions are captured in manage devices
  • Support for RF logger firmware files was added to the changelogs
  • RF gateways now support Over the Air (OTA) software updates
Low impact No testing needed


  • The REST API was updated to display if devices were replaced
  • The REST API now allows users to include or exclude replaced devices
Low impact No testing needed

Performance and Security

  • Site performance was improved so that the users and contacts page can load efficiently for users
  • An update was made to reporting to ensure continued performance
  • Security improvements to the system were made
Low impact No testing needed

Twilio Integration

  • An adjustment was made for the handling of Twilio account verification requirements to better support the integration
Low impact No testing needed

Alarm Schedules

  • Alarm schedules are introduced to allow users to schedule alarms to monitor during specific timeframes (days and hours) or remain active 24/7
  • An optional buffer for alarm hours was released so that alarms can be evaluated prior to an alarm schedule starting
  • After-hours notifications feature was added to alarm schedules so that users can determine if they should be notified when alarms are resolved after an alarm schedule has ended
  • An alarm coverage calendar was added so that users can view a snapshot of a device’s alarm configuration and corresponding schedule
  • Events will be updated to support the rollout of alarm schedules

Note: All existing alarms are configured with a schedule set to 24/7 unless edited by a user.

Minor impact Check new functionality

DicksonOne v1.3.24

Description Impact Recommendation


  • A bug that caused inaccurate times to be displayed in Alert annotations was fixed. 
No impact No testing needed

User Experience

  • Back to normal alert notifications for alarms (to the same recipient) are now grouped together when escalations are in use.
  • Events have been updated to include details when users opt-in and/or opt-out of subscription newsletters. The integrations page now allows users to select a recipient for when their Twilio rate limit for SMS/Text and Phone Call notifications has been reached. The integrations page now provides SMS/Text Message and Phone Call notification metrics.
Low impact No testing needed

Radio Frequency Logger (RFL)

  • New code was released to support the expansion of the DicksonOne product line by introducing the Radio Frequency Logger (RFL). 
  • The Unassigned Nodes page was added under Manage for users who will register RF Loggers.
  • The Gateways page was added under Manage for users who will register RF Gateways to be used in combination with RF Loggers.
Minor impact Check new functionality

DicksonOne v1.3.23

Description Impact Recommendation


  • A bug that caused reseller codes to be excluded during the account creation phase was fixed.
  • A bug regarding locations not loading due a excessive (200+) active alarm events was resolved.
  • A bug that caused the wrong time stamp to be displayed on the graph for not reporting alarms was fixed.
No impact No testing needed

User Experience

  • A Monitoring Points section was created within the locations view to better represent the devices that live within each location.
  • A manage locations button was added to the locations view for easy access to editing, adding and reviewing locations.
  • New code was released to support future developments.
Low impact No testing needed

Twilio Integration

  • A Twilio integration was released to support global accounts that send SMS and Phone Call notifications to the following country codes and accounts will be flagged on DicksonOne if the integration is required.
  • Users have the option to connect their own Twilio account to DicksonOne if they wish continue to send SMS and Phone Call notifications.

Note: If you do not have any users or contacts in a region that requires a Twilio integration, you do not have to do anything with your account and full functionality will continue as normal.

Minor impact Check new functionality

DicksonOne v1.3.22

Description Impact Recommendation

Bug Fixes

  • A bug that caused alarm notification emails to include the wrong unit for the current value was resolved. 
  • A bug that caused odd characters to be displayed in event logs when making changes to the account datetime format was resolved. 
  • A bug that caused the wrong device value to appear in expiring subscription email reminders was resolved. 
  • A bug that caused poor resolution of certain channel colors on the graph was resolved. 
No impact No testing needed

User Experience

  • An adjustment was made to excursion events that appear on reports so that the events follow the account’s datetime format.
  • The settings pages were updated to include only the save, archive, and delete buttons where appropriate.
  • Alarm template events are now grouped together when users apply and/or remove multiple devices from the template at once. 
  • Alarm template events were updated so that they capture details regarding notification policy updates.
  • New code was released to support future integrations and developments. 
Low impact No testing needed